Using Telepathy
For decades it has been known that telepathy is possible and is a skill we are inherently born with but fail to develop.
Perhaps this is what is going on here:
Many develop it in some form:
The “knowing” that a mother has for the needs of her baby,
or when her child has an accident and she immediately knows/feels it.
Many others develop it without knowing, eg
Have you ever thought about a person, thinking it is time you rang them, and shortly afterward they ring you ?
That’s Telepathy in its most basic form.
To consciously do it well, takes practice. But we have been doing it subconsciously all our lives.
(We have also been exposed to it via less scrupulous businesses and probably governments, along with subliminal messages in TV programs and advertising etc)
With a little conscious effort, we can all begin to send the messages of goodwill and to educate the people that need to receive the information, in order to wake up and help put a stop to the tyranny being imposed on humanity at present.
The more spiritual amongst you may prefer this page
Those that believe we are being sent messages from beyond, may find this post interesting.
Getting Started
To get started, think about the message you want to send and who it needs to go to.
Start small, send a message to your partner and immediate family.
The message can be a single idea, or a string of ideas.
As a part of the message, ask their subconscious to pass the message to their conscious, and also to forward it to others that need to receive the same message. There is no need for you to try to identify who the others should be, the person you send the message to will “know” who it should be.
And just like a giant pyramid scheme, the number of people subconsciously receiving the message, and passing it on, will rapidly multiply.
A simple illustration of this is the euphoria that a country (especially a small one) will often feel after winning a major sporting event. eg World Cup Rugby / Football etc.
In the same way that laughter is contagious, so too can positive, caring intentional messages be.
(This also means the opposite is true, the spreading of fear and division has encompassed the globe)
Start by consciously sending messages when you find yourself in a quiet relaxed place,
eg just before you go to sleep,
or while laying in bed first thing in the morning, thinking about getting up,
or while meditating,
or as you pray,
or as you are out for a walk or exercising.
Concentrate on who you want to send the message too, what message you want to send and what you want them to pass on.
Send the messages regularly, each day if possible, to ensure the receiver gets the message and begins to take note of the message.
After you have sent relevant messages to your family, think about what messages you want to send to your work colleagues.
Simple, easy to understand, heartfelt messages.
No Fear
No Anger
What do you want them to pass on.
Each group is likely to be a slightly different message, although they may all start with the same “Wake-up, see what is really going on”.
Then grow your audience to larger groups, or perhaps more influential people or groups,
for example, the intention behind each message may be the following, but feel free to interpret and rephrase in a way that suits you as the transmitter.
Ideally the message should be as short as possible while still remaining clear.
To Police: Recognise that the thuggery you are being asked to perform is not what you signed up for,
That beatings can not ever be to “Protect anyone’s health”.
Stand up for the people you are paid to protect,
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Recognise that rules you are being required to impose on others will eventually also apply to you, eg mandatory vax
Live up to your oath.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Military: Stand up for the people, the ones you joined up to protect.
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders, Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Live up to your oath.
If supporting the Police, only provide non-violent support,
Call out state sanctioned violence against its own unarmed people.
Recognise that rules you are being required to impose on others will eventually also apply to you, eg mandatory vax.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Front Line Medical staff: Stand up to criminal dictates from medical regulators, or administrators.
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Live up to your oath, “First do No Harm”
When you see medical malpractice, call it out. Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Doctors / GPs: Stand up to criminal dictates from medical regulators and administrators,
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Live up to your oath
Give your patients what they need, not what some bureaucrat has deemed to be given based on financial incentive or political will. Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To the Media: Stand up to criminal dictates from media leaders,
Stand up for the people that you represent and that you claim to be informing,
Live up to your oath.
Mainstream Media, know that the public does not believe the lies you publish and have turned against you already. If you want your business to survive, your only option is to start publishing the Truth. Do that and the public will support you.
To Politicians: Stand up to criminal dictates from political leaders with evil intent,
Stand up for the people that you represent and that put you in to office,
Live up to your oath.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing. Most politicians currently seem more interested in protecting their seat, than protecting the people they were elected to represent. Listen to the concerns or the people, and take action.
To Everyone Else: Recognise the tyranny and put a stop to it through civil disobedience whenever you can safely perform it, without putting yourself or others at risk of harm.
Let those in supposed “Authority” know that you do not consent to their abuse of office, lies and corruption.
Spread your knowledge to others, who may not have seen what is really going on.
Support the actions of others, where you can, to help spread the message.
When you see something happen to one group, assume that eventually it will also happen to your group, so support actions taken by the group.
We Are All in this Together, what happens to one will eventually happen to All.
Send your messages to all. Your messages are supposed to enlighten people. All people . . . good or bad need it. But…they can’t use it against you.
The evil doers cannot receive “telepathic” messages through their machines. So they cannot control your message.
That is the point. If the message you send – which is freedom loving etc., and totally against their agenda – is received by an evil person, your “telepathic” message can have a positive effect on that person….but the bad guys machines cannot control / stop / adjust the messages you send.
Your “telepathic” message should be sent to all…It can be sent to groups too – to Government groups so they get the “remove restrictions” message, for instance.
Your messages are to introduce the idea of remove restrictions/freedom etc., to the minds of all.
Keep sending your message to all.
An example of how you might send a message is to think of the content of your message and what message you want them to forward (short, clear, simple to understand), then visualise sending it out as a speech bubble (or a soap bubble in the air, containing the words of your message).
Visualise the bubble floating through the air and stopping at each house (like Santa in his sleigh).
Those in the house that are receptive to the message, or need to know it, will receive it.
The bubble can then float onwards to the next house, (and may even be accompanied by the bubbles forwarded by the occupants of the house that just received the message).
The bubbles can continue across the community, the city, the country and even the world.
It is not necessary for you to imagine you need to possess the power of a huge radio transmitter to reach the world all at once (but you can if you wish). You only need enough power to send the bubble off to its first destination, like a balloon into the sky, and it can visit each and every location it is required to, one after the other.(but at the “speed of thought/ light” rather than that of a slow breeze)
Send your message several times, Imagine the sky full of bubbles. if some get popped along the way, others will still get through.
Heart/ Mind connection
If you choose to connect directly with any particular person, ie establish a heart/ mind connection, be sure to break the connection once the message has been sent.
Leaving the heart/ mind connection in place may cause you to be drained of energy by the recipient, especially if they are at a “low” vibration.
If the connection is meant to remain, such as between family members or close friends, it will automatically be re-established again, usually by them contacting you (physically, phone call, email or thought). The renewed connection will be a fresh connection between you, with none of the baggage of the past to drag it down.