The human upon the earth realm goes with complete ability and tools to receive energy… to give energy.
Each person has complete ability to block any energy sent to their physical and light body.
There are times when a person allows energy in, or when energy erroneously gets in, that is not wanted.
There are also people who naturally absorb all energies.
And sometimes a person just needs to cleanse energy as a matter of physical maintenance, when it becomes necessary, or voluntarily, to cleanse the body of energy,…. each person is fully capable of cleansing themselves without the assistance of anything.
They need not rely on an Angel, a Spirit Guide or a Spiritual Guru to cleanse themselves.
A person doesn’t need assistance, they arrive equiped with all that is needed to cleanse, when needed.
To cleanse, the person uses intention to collect the unwanted energy or built up energy, and send it away from the body.
You need to send it away from the body, past your protection zone.
This is a visual process.
The energy zone that represents your individual aura energy that protects you.
The field where you allow or block which ever energy approaches.

What about cutting a cord ?
The person cuts their own cord.
If there is a connection that isn’t wanted or needed any longer, you go to Earth equiped to attach a cord or to cut a cord.
This is a visual process.
You visualise yourself, visualise the other person, and you visualise the cord and scissors to cut…..
Then you consciously cut the cord and the unwanted connection.
What if the person doesn’t know they have a cord attached or if they need to cleanse energy ?
This indeed is true to happen.
There are times when a person isn’t aware that they need to cleanse their body of excess or unwanted energy, or that they have a cord that can be cut.
This is where advice is essential for purpose of knowledge, not of deed.
The advisor does not need to be the one to cut a cord or call in help from Angels or Guides to cut a cord or remove built up energy.
Cutting a cord or removing energy is a personal thing.
How to do it should be approached in a direct and simple method.
If one seeks advice on how to,… there are others who can give a method, but the person should be the one who carries out the process.
The reason for this is because you each have the capability for yourself.
You each are sovereign to thyself.
There are times when there is great amounts of emotion involved in removing unwanted energy or a cord.
(this is) Primarily why a person avoids doing so or puts the burden on another to take responsibility.
When a person gives another the responsibility and there is a lot of emotion, sorrow, the person has a new issue – that of resolving the emotion, the pain, the sorrow, because they did not take personal responsibility to do it themselves.
The removal, if done by the person, sends away the emotion, pain, sorrow, burden energy, knowingly and personally.
They deal with tiredness, but not with dealing again with the emotion, if the removal is done by another.
It somewhat perpetuates the continued issues for some time.
Thus the need to resolve “the same” reasons they cut the cord or removed the energy.
Each person has the tools and capability to cleanse their body and to cut any cord they choose.
Each person is sovereign unto themselves, and are responsible for their behaviors and their activities.
Teach them that they can conduct anything that is needed.
Help them be aware that they can and should do it themselves.
Each person is to feel joyous and in harmony with all that is.
Each is in control of their life and path.