Guides Transcript:

We begin with this, regarding JFK, JFK junior, or any honoured and missed who came into human form, relayed their message and were taken away or exited.

You must comprehend this message at your own speed, let it be processed. Allow thyself to come to a personal conclusion.
The planet you call Earth is a most unique place. It has been designed to be a teaching or a learning destination.

All things, everywhere, in all dimensions, in all realms, is Energy.

For energy to even remotely understand the physical, energy must experience physical.
This was not known until it was known.

The planet known as earth became the place to learn. to be taught about physicalness, about expression in the physical, about emotion, about interaction, about developing the energy centres of the body, about moving from energy form into physical form and back to energy.

Now realise that for an energy to become physical and then learn the pain and restrictions of being contained in a physical solid form, is difficult, as it is so much easier to be light.

The decision to take the physical form, to learn, is a most difficult decision for energy to make.
Additionally, there are few available positions to become physical upon earth, and to leave this form (the energy form)
Since there are limited numbers allowed to be physical on earth, those who are physical become the teachers to the entire other energies everywhere, entire energies in other dimensions, entire energies in other realms.

Each human physical form provides the teachings of the state of being physical and all the expressions, emotions, development available in the physical.

Ok, Now
There are physical energies that come into the earth plane, who have messages that transcend the person.
This is necessary because there are time when galactic messages are required to be repeated and repeated.
A group of energies is selected to personify different message bearers, in one case, JFK lets say.
He, in physical form, agreed to represent the message he brought, but was not intended to stay in physical, instead, perform the message and exit.
Now this energy is capable of returning in a temporary fashion, to physical, yet it is not believable.
It does in fact happen, as what you call a hologram. An image that is energy, yet appears physical.
This return is heralded as the Saviour.
This is not to be grandised.
It is to be received for the message, not the Saviour.
Its not the person you desire, its the message.
But, the person represents the message, so, the person is wanted back, and they can, in an appearance of physical. This is not manipulation, this is reinforcing a message that humanity requires, even if it appears physical. but in reality, it is energy.

If this is what many call “Time Travel”, then so be it, it is quantum, and you will soon learn to accept, that many layers of existence occur side by side, or layer by layer.
You are expanding your consciousness.

Guides Transcript:

Your Curiosity about all things and your urge to have answers now, is the whole point, as you enter physical form on the planet called Earth.

You are a light being, living in a physical body upon a planet designed to learn.

You came to earth to learn physicalness.
As you experience, you send this knowledge out to the (Octos), so light can learn physical too.

You experience feeling, emotion, the restriction of being in a body, love, fear, exhilaration, (loathing), childbirth, happiness, sadness, (longing), learning, debate, all things.

As there are a limited number of soul energies that can be sent to Earth, and as there are few with the courage to transcend into the physical form, you volunteer to experience and learn things other soul energies cannot.
Therefore, as you process the learning and experience, you send all that data back to the (Octos) so the energies can absorb the knowledge of being physical, without actually being physical.

Through your experiences, you give knowledge of physical to the light beings.

Upon the physical earth plane, all that is taught to the people is through the interpretations of the teacher.

You need to understand, all physical matter is energy. Energy changing into physical form so you, as a physical existence, can learn what it is like.
All humans require an explanation of what they experience. This is, to a degree, helpful.
Yet it is a perception taken as “The Gospel” Truth.
Therefor it isn’t “Untrue”, it is a truth that those interpret as such.
It is, my dear Carol, and you, their truth.
They cease the experience to teach to discern within the realms of Earth.

It is now your lesson to learn, to discern where your understandings are, where your beliefs and where your learning and experiences come from, and how you interpret each for thyself.

Take the information you come into contact with, and become knowing of Your Truth.

The earthly surface is designed as a rotating circle and it appears and can be convincingly known as flat.
This matters not to your intentional learning, yet it is curious to your overall knowledge.

As you desire to communicate, you are capable of communication to and from all things.
This misconception that a light being that enters the earth realm to experience physical, must be activated, must be more crystalline, must be at a higher dimension, must be this or must be that, is a physical manifestation of control, that others perpetrate on your psyche.
There are no better, no higher, no more in anyone.
You are not to exist in a hierarchy of people who are more skilled than another.
You arrive upon the earth realm with full capability, fully activated, people just learn to restrict themselves of their naturalness.

It is time for all people of the earth to trust themselves, trust that they are in full control of everything they can and want to experience.
Trust that the understanding of others, their interpretation, can be considered as true, untrue, possible.
Learn, Discern.

Live your existence to the fullest, in your light as physical body.
This is why you courageously came to be physical. Let your light expand from your body.

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