We all know that something is not right in the World.
This site aims to bring together information that indicates what is really happening in the world, expose some of the long standing corruption and lies, and bring out some of the information that has been deliberately hidden about the world, the universe, and how things work.
The prime goal for the immediate present (third quarter 2021) is to put a stop to the Tyranny of governments and the medical tyranny / vaccine injury being imposed around the world.
For those that are not familiar with many of the hidden agendas, the Category menus on the side are broken down into various groupings to aid the finding of relevant information about each topic.
It is proposed to use Thought Messages / Telepathy to bring these problems to an end.
The exact process is described here:
See below or Here http://freedom.webnetnz.com/using-telepathy/
The Major Categories in the side menu are numbered for the purpose of identifying relevant information to help understand the idea behind beginning to address the worlds problems through thought messages, focussed on the major topics.
ie if the thought messages to be transmitted around the world are as follows, then the information about each aspect is available within the relevant topic.
Become aware of the Tyranny | 01 See the Tyranny |
Seek Freedom | 02 Seek the freedom/ |
Stop the Tyranny | 03 Stop the Tyranny/ |
Release the Shackles | 04 Release the Shackles/ |
Free the People | 05 Free the People/ |
Wash away the Evil Doers | 06 Wash-away the Evil-doers/ |
Working Together | 07 Working together/ |
Rebuild the Community | 08 Rebuild Community/ |
Live in Harmony | 09 Harmony |
Read this post to understand what is behind this process http://freedom.webnetnz.com/see-the-tyranny/new-zealand-tyranny/
A bit of basic science.
Everything is Energy.
Energy is expressed as vibration, ie a wave at a particular frequency or frequencies.
Einstein proved that everything is energy with the famous E=mC2
ie Mass (collection of atoms) times the Speed of Light (a huge number) is Energy.
That means mass can be converted to energy – think hydrogen bomb,
and energy can be converted / expressed as mass, ie things we consider to be solid actually contain huge amounts of energy.
Further, atoms are made up of sub atomic particles, a Nucleus, containing Neutrons and Protons, surrounded by Electrons, each of which is made up of even smaller particles that also move and vibrate according to their energy.
The Nucleus of an atom is surrounded by electrons that are held in orbit according to the amount of energy they possess. The most fundamental atom is that of Hydrogen – a nucleus with one electron.
Minute gravitational forces, along with the attraction of electrical charges of the components, (Protons +ve, Electrons -ve,) are what hold the electrons in orbit around the nucleus, ie stops them flying off.
As more electrons are added around a nucleus, new types of atoms are formed, eg Helium – 2 electrons, oxygen and carbon.
The atoms join together (bond) in different combinations (largely due to minute gravitational forces combined with electrical charge) and produce molecules such as water – H2O. That’s 2 Hydrogen atoms joined to an Oxygen atom.
This molecule vibrates according to the amount of energy it holds, as does everything else in the universe.
Large numbers of the same molecules collected together (such as H2O ) also vibrate as a single mass.
How much they vibrate determines what state they (eg water) are in, solid – Ice, liquid – water, gas – steam.
At each state, the molecules are held together at different distances according to the amount of energy they possess, balanced against the attractive force of gravity between the molecules.
Think kids on a bouncy castle, too many and they collect together as one solid mass, while when just a few, they have room to bounce around in relative freedom.
At any of the 3 states, the collective can contain differing amounts of energy while still in the same state, think about the varying temperatures of the oceans, they are all liquid (except when icebergs) yet the temperatures vary, illustrating the different amounts of stored energy held in the water at different locations.
When energy is added to a molecule, eg by heating, the molecules vibrate faster and the electrons that receive the energy (heat) move out into a bigger orbit around their nucleus. Think giving the kids sweets and watch them go bananas 🙂
As more energy gets added, it can reach a limit and cause the collection of molecules to vibrate so much that they cause the change of state of the collective, due to the distance between the molecules increasing. ie liquid water changes to steam. Steam is just water molecules spread further apart than they are when they are in liquid form.
This is the basis of a microwave oven. High frequency radio waves are transmitted onto the food, which increases the energy of the water molecules (since they most easily absorb it, compared to solid molecules of the plate/ container). The water molecules give off some of the energy they have absorbed as heat, thus heating everything around them.
Taking energy away (cooling) causes the opposite, molecules vibrate less and move closer together until the state of the collective changes to a solid, ie Ice. A container of Ice will vibrate at a different frequency to the same container of water. Think an icy blast of wind on the bouncy castle, causing the kids to huddle together for warmth.
The same process of state change and vibration applies to everything we know of, including metals, and everything that we consider to be “Solid”. At some point, all collections of molecules can exist in any of the three states, solid, liquid, gas, depending upon its temperature, ie how much it vibrates.
Thus, everything that we consider solid is actually a minute amount of mass (nucleus with electrons), which possesses a particular amount of energy, and vibrating at a frequency dependent upon those factors.
eg the skin of the bouncy castle may make the castle seem solid but it actually contains a bunch of kids bouncing around on the inside, pushing outwards on the skin to give it the appearance of being an immovable surface. Additionally, when the air pump stops, the castle loses its shape and collapses to the crumpled sheets of vinyl it is made from. It is the energy of the air and kids that maintains the shape of the castle.
To extend this to the Human body:
Molecules combined together in particular ways are what make up cells (which vibrate at a particular frequency).
Cells combined together make up organs, which themselves will vibrate at a combination of frequencies, due to the frequencies of the individual cells.
Organs collected together make up the body, which will vibrate at a combination of frequencies due to the combined frequencies of the organs and their cells. This, in musical terms, is a Chord, a collection of frequencies.
So each body will vibrate with a particular chord or combination of frequencies, and just as in music, some notes and chords combine together well to make what we consider to be a pleasant sound, while others (sharps or flats) may only sound pleasant to us if in combination with other notes, to make up the whole sound. On their own, a flat or sharp pitch, ie selected frequency, can sound very unpleasant. That doesn’t make it bad, it just means it must be combined with other frequencies in order to be compatible with us.
Because our bodies constantly vibrate with these chords, based upon our physical makeup, we are constantly transmitting these chords, or what some simply refer to as Frequencies.
In combination with the basic chords that we transmit (due to our makeup), we also transmit the changing frequencies/ chords of our thoughts, emotions, and even the contents of our bodies, such as the food contained in our stomach, or the content of our blood. Even the clothes we ware can add or subtract from the chords / frequencies transmitted by our bodies, ie provide a filtering of what we transmit and receive or enhance it.
We often hear people say “that struck a chord with me” or “that resonates with me”. These are hidden indications in our language that our bodies transmit and receive chords/ frequencies from everything around us, but we are not consciously aware of it. We receive these frequencies and if we tune into them and they match with frequencies we resonate at, a connection will be established to enable the reception of the complete message.
In theory therefor, since every body (and every thing) has a base frequency/ chord, it should be possible to tune into any selected frequency/ chord and establish a connection to send and receive messages. To date, electronics (such as radio, TV, Satellite communication equipment) does not appear to have been able to be used to select these frequencies or decode messages, it is likely that in time it will. For now, the human body can be used for this purpose.
It is well known that we use only a small portion of the capabilities of our brain.
It is also believed that our heart and brain are inextricably connected in ways that are in addition to the natural energetic connection by being part of the whole of body frequency/chord.
It has also been found that not all thought appears to occur in the brain, it appears to be performed as a “whole of body” function, with the heart being a core contributor along with the brain.
This makes sense when you consider that the brain generates and operates on electrical impulses (as shown with brain scans).
The Heart is a huge automatic electrical pulse generator, that triggers the heart muscles to contract for every beat (as shown on ECG), think pacemakers (small electrical pulse generators) that are fitted to those with irregular heart operation. (Hearts can easily be shown to carry on beating for a short time after removal from the body)
So there is a logical electrical connection between the two, regardless of any emotional connection that is also likely to be present.
As described above, the base frequency/ chord emitted by our whole body can be used as a “carrier” frequency, upon which signals are superimposed.
It is known that Thoughts generate wave signals, just like a radio or TV transmitter sends out signals to everything within range. You may have seen devices that use something like a hair net with dozens of little electrodes that make contact with the head, and are then able to control a computer by the operator thinking about what they want to happen. Similarly, some prosthetic limbs are able to be operated by the user thinking about how they want the limb to move.
What is needed at the receiving end, is a tuner that has been tuned to the right “carrier” frequency, ie the right channel on the TV or radio is selected.
The TV aerial receives all electrical signals within range (LF, HF, VHF, UHF and background interference) along with signals superimposed on the carrier frequencies that are sent using different methods or protocols (AM, FM, digital) ) and sends them all to the TV, for the TV to then filter and select the frequency and signal you want, when you change channel.
The body also receives all signals floating around, but filters out for decoding only the ones it wants to know about.
The body is not only able to pick up thought messages from others within range, it also picks up the TV and radio signals, and WiFi signals, and cell phone signals, and any other radio frequency (RF) signals that may be in the area (including satellite signals).
For some, exposure to these constant signals can cause cells in their bodies to behave abnormally, die or mutate, resulting in some developing cancers. Some people even go to the extreme of shielding their house with metal screens/ mesh (or tin foil) to try to avoid these signals.
These reception capabilities are easier to understand when considering the water / ice crystal experiments that were performed in Japan many years ago, that demonstrated that ice patterns formed very differently depending upon the signals that the water was exposed to.
Pleasant music and loving thoughts produced dramatically different patterns than those created in an environment of harsh noise and hatred.
The energies being transmitted to the water caused different energies to be stored in the water, and thus when cooled to freezing point, the energy patterns were solidified in different ways.
In the jumpy castle analogy, this might be the difference in shape created when the parents tell the kids to gather together to keep warm by hugging each other, as opposed the quite different shape that would be created if they were told to curl up into the fetal position and collected together in that form.
The body is primarily made of water, and therefor it is logical that if water can be affected through thought, then so too can anything in our bodies.
Because our bodies are constantly exposed to many RF signals, from the day we are born, we begin to filter out the parts that are not considered useful, eg we are exposed to both UV and IR light, but our bodies filter both out, in order to provide more defined vision in the visible light range. Conversely, many insects only view the world in UV or IR because it is more useful for them to see the world like that.
In the same way, our bodies are able to receive Thought Messages, ie Telepathy, but our systems begin filtering it out when we are young, as it is not used, ie “use it or lose it”.
Our subconscious is still able to receive and transmit, but for most of us we are not aware of it happening.
As we grow, we may even block the reception of some signals, for the purpose of self preservation. eg at a conscious level we only take notice of certain types of messages from authority figures we trust, such as parents, since we have learnt that the message they give is generally for our benefit or wellbeing. Whereas messages from government may be rejected as they are perceived to be in the interest of the government, not necessarily in the interests of the people.
The same protective filtering can be put in place at the subconscious level.
Some of the controlling factors that determine if a message can get through are:
the strength of the Telepathic signals, when compared to all the other RF signals that our body is constantly exposed to,
and the power of the transmission, and
blockages in place, physical barriers and self preservation barriers.
The interference from other signals is very dependent upon the frequency of the telepathic message.
If it is at the opposite end of the spectrum to the commonly used RF frequencies (KHz – MHz), then it is easier for the receiver to separate from all the others (noise).
Each of our bodies vibrates at a particular frequency/ chord, which we “feel” when we interact with each other.
That is why we seem to instantly resonate with some people, and with others we instantly dislike, our energies/ frequencies do not match.
Exactly what the resonant frequency range of our bodies are is not yet known, but is believed to be in the low Hertz range rather than KHz, ie in the range of stereo midrange, rather than treble or higher, or bass.
The base frequency of our body is therefore the “Carrier” frequency, upon which our messages are transmitted, which may be composed of varying high and low frequency signals.
This should not be confused with being low vibration from a spiritual point of view, where very low vibration is considered evil, while higher vibration is considered more spiritually enlightened, or operating at a higher plane.
If telepathy operates using a low frequency carrier, then telepathic messages can be transmitted and received fairly well without too much interference from other RF signals, which tend to be much higher in the RF spectrum.
In the end the details of how it works are not so important, since we cannot control the situation that the receiver is in when they receive the message.
What is important is that it is known to work and that we ensure that we, the transmitters, are not in an interfering environment or a metallically shielded environment when we send the messages.
The other aspect is how far can a message be transmitted.
We know the human body gives off several watts of energy, just think about how a cold bed is heated by the body (when the blankets stop the heat being radiated away).
If that amount of energy can be used to send a telepathic message, ie the whole body, then that is a pretty powerful signal. eg a 1 watt walkytalky radio can have a range of many kilometers.
It is believed that telepathic messages have the capability of being sent over even greater distances. (Quantum entanglement suggest communications can take place across galaxies !)
If they are sent on a low frequency carrier, they will travel much further than on a high frequency carrier, think earthquakes, which can be felt hundreds of kilometers away due to low frequency waves travelling through the land or sea. Or Bass from a rowdy neighbours stereo.
Submarines use a Very Low Frequency (VLF) antenna to send messages through water because it travels further in water than HF frequencies do.
Whereas the higher frequency treble from the stereo is easily muffled by buildings or trees, and cell phone towers that operate in the MHz range need to be placed only a few kilometers apart due to their limited range.
Another aspect is repetition of message.
Advertising industry has long known that humans tend to need to hear a message at least seven times before they take note of it, or begin to believe it.
So repeated transmissions are required, to ensure that the message is received multiple times and not missed due to blockages caused by RF interference, or metal caged buildings, or temporary self preservation blocks put in place by the receivers trying to handle other issues in their lives at the time.
Using Telepathy
For decades it has been known that telepathy is possible and is a skill we are inherently born with but fail to develop.
Perhaps this is what is going on here:
Many develop it in some form:
The “knowing” that a mother has for the needs of her baby,
or when her child has an accident and she immediately knows/feels it.
Many others develop it without knowing, eg
Have you ever thought about a person, thinking it is time you rang them, and shortly afterward they ring you ?
That’s Telepathy in its most basic form.
To consciously do it well, takes practice. But we have been doing it subconsciously all our lives.
(We have also been exposed to it via less scrupulous businesses and probably governments, along with subliminal messages in TV programs and advertising etc)
With a little conscious effort, we can all begin to send the messages of goodwill and to educate the people that need to receive the information, in order to wake up and help put a stop to the tyranny being imposed on humanity at present.
Getting Started
To get started, think about the message you want to send and who it needs to go to.
Start small, send a message to your partner and immediate family.
The message can be a single idea, or a string of ideas.
As a part of the message, ask their subconscious to pass the message to their conscious, and also to forward it to others that need to receive the same message. There is no need for you to try to identify who the others should be, the person you send the message to will “know” who it should be.
And just like a giant pyramid scheme, the number of people subconsciously receiving the message, and passing it on, will rapidly multiply.
A simple illustration of this is the euphoria that a country (especially a small one) will often feel after winning a major sporting event. eg World Cup Rugby / Football etc.
In the same way that laughter is contagious, so too can positive, caring intentional messages be.
(This also means the opposite is true, the spreading of fear and division has encompassed the globe)
Start by consciously sending messages when you find yourself in a quiet relaxed place,
eg just before you go to sleep,
or while laying in bed first thing in the morning, thinking about getting up,
or while meditating,
or as you pray,
or as you are out for a walk or exercising.
Concentrate on who you want to send the message too, what message you want to send and what you want them to pass on.
Send the messages regularly, each day if possible, to ensure the receiver gets the message and begins to take note of the message.
After you have sent relevant messages to your family, think about what messages you want to send to your work colleagues.
Simple, easy to understand, heartfelt messages.
No Fear
No Anger
What do you want them to pass on.
Each group is likely to be a slightly different message, although they may all start with the same “Wake-up, see what is really going on”.
Then grow your audience to larger groups, or perhaps more influential people or groups,
for example, the intention behind each message may be the following, but feel free to interpret and rephrase in a way that suits you as the transmitter.
Ideally the message should be as short as possible while still remaining clear.
To Police: Recognise that the thuggery you are being asked to perform is not what you signed up for,
That beatings can not ever be to “Protect anyone’s health”.
Stand up for the people you are paid to protect,
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Recognise that rules you are being required to impose on others will eventually also apply to you, eg mandatory vax
Live up to your oath.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Military: Stand up for the people, the ones you joined up to protect.
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders, Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Live up to your oath.
If supporting the Police, only provide non-violent support,
Call out state sanctioned violence against its own unarmed people.
Recognise that rules you are being required to impose on others will eventually also apply to you, eg mandatory vax.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Front Line Medical staff: Stand up to criminal dictates from medical regulators, or administrators.
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Live up to your oath, “First do No Harm”
When you see medical malpractice, call it out. Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To Doctors / GPs: Stand up to criminal dictates from medical regulators and administrators,
Refuse to take illegal or immoral orders,
Live up to your oath
Give your patients what they need, not what some bureaucrat has deemed to be given based on financial incentive or political will. Rely on your knowledge and experience.
Tell others what you see.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing.
To the Media: Stand up to criminal dictates from media leaders,
Stand up for the people that you represent and that you claim to be informing,
Live up to your oath.
Mainstream Media, know that the public does not believe the lies you publish and have turned against you already. If you want your business to survive, your only option is to start publishing the Truth. Do that and the public will support you.
To Politicians: Stand up to criminal dictates from political leaders with evil intent,
Stand up for the people that you represent and that put you in to office,
Live up to your oath.
Know that the public is behind you if you are doing the right thing, but will rapidly turn against you if you are knowingly doing the wrong thing. Most politicians currently seem more interested in protecting their seat, than protecting the people they were elected to represent. Listen to the concerns or the people, and take action.
To Everyone Else: Recognise the tyranny and put a stop to it through civil disobedience whenever you can safely perform it, without putting yourself or others at risk of harm.
Let those in supposed “Authority” know that you do not consent to their abuse of office, lies and corruption.
Spread your knowledge to others, who may not have seen what is really going on.
Support the actions of others, where you can, to help spread the message.
When you see something happen to one group, assume that eventually it will also happen to your group, so support actions taken by the group.
We Are All in this Together, what happens to one will eventually happen to All.
Send your messages to all. Your messages are supposed to enlighten people. All people . . . good or bad need it. But…they can’t use it against you.
The evil doers cannot receive “telepathic” messages through their machines. So they cannot control your message.
That is the point. If the message you send – which is freedom loving etc., and totally against their agenda – is received by an evil person, your “telepathic” message can have a positive effect on that person….but the bad guys machines cannot control / stop / adjust the messages you send.
Your “telepathic” message should be sent to all…It can be sent to groups too – to Government groups so they get the “remove restrictions” message, for instance.
Your messages are to introduce the idea of remove restrictions/freedom etc., to the minds of all.
Keep sending your message to all.
An example of how you might send a message is to think of the content of your message and what message you want them to forward (short, clear, simple to understand), then visualise sending it out as a speech bubble (or a soap bubble in the air, containing the words of your message).
Visualise the bubble floating through the air and stopping at each house (like Santa in his sleigh).
Those in the house that are receptive to the message, or need to know it, will receive it.
The bubble can then float onwards to the next house, (and may even be accompanied by the bubbles forwarded by the occupants of the house that just received the message).
The bubbles can continue across the community, the city, the country and even the world.
It is not necessary for you to imagine you need to possess the power of a huge radio transmitter to reach the world all at once (but you can if you wish). You only need enough power to send the bubble off to its first destination, like a balloon into the sky, and it can visit each and every location it is required to, one after the other.(but at the “speed of thought/ light” rather than that of a slow breeze)
Send your message several times, Imagine the sky full of bubbles. if some get popped along the way, others will still get through.
Heart/ Mind connection
If you choose to connect directly with any particular person, ie establish a heart/ mind connection, be sure to break the connection once the message has been sent.
Leaving the heart/ mind connection in place may cause you to be drained of energy by the recipient, especially if they are at a “low” vibration.
If the connection is meant to remain, such as between family members or close friends, it will automatically be re-established again, usually by them contacting you (physically, phone call, email or thought). The renewed connection will be a fresh connection between you, with none of the baggage of the past to drag it down.
A View of the Technocrats attitudes towards the People:
To help understand why we must begin these Thought Messages ASAP, watch this video.